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مارلين خليفة - ناشرة موقع مصدر دبلوماسي
Marlene Khalifeh
Marlene Khalifeh, a Lebanese journalist. She worked for a period of twelve years in An-Nahar” newspaper before moving to “As-Safir” were she spent ten years as a diplomatic reporter. Between these two periods, Mrs. Khalifeh published many articles in the Al Hayat” and “Al Riyad” newspapers, “Al Wassat” and “Newsweek Middle East” magazines.
She created her own website “Masdar diplomacy”,on the 11th of July 2016 focusing on diplomatic activities in Lebanon and the Middle East.
After attending many training courses in a number of European, American, and English institutions, she specialized in investigative journalism. Her hard work paid off when she was awarded, twice (in 2004 and 2005), with the “investigative journalist” prize by the Commonwealth (in Jordan) among four Arab participating countries. Afterwards, she focused her attention on the politic and diplomatic press training and research on fact checking.
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“مصدر دبلوماسي” أدان المدير العام السابق للأمن العام اللبناني اللواء عباس ابراهيم المجزرة التي ارتكبتها اسرائيل...
“مصدر دبلوماسي” صدر عن مكتب المنسّق المقيم ومنسّق الشؤون الانسانية في لبنان عمران ريزا اليوم الخميس...
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“مصدر دبلوماسي” كلمة الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله في الاحتفال الذي أقامه...